1. Have fruits, fresh fruit juice . Have fresh slices of cucumber, it is cooling.  Do not skip breakfast or lunch in summer when your schedule demands you going outdoors….

2.Yogurt and other low fat dairy products will also help you remain cool and provide you with calcium and protein.

3.Apply foundation only where you need it  and if you can, skip it altogether! Especially in the summer, do not over-apply.

4.Eating watermelon can help protect skin from oxidative stress that contributes to the aging process, clear up acne and brighten a dull complexion

5.Cucumber face pack

This pack will help to keep your skin hydrated and smooth during summers.


1 cucumber

1 tbsp. sugar


a. Peel a cucumber and mash it in a bowl.

b. Add 1 tbsp. of sugar into the mashed cucumber and mix well.

c. Place it in the refrigerator until cool.

d. Apply it to your face and leave it on for ten minutes. Use cold water to wash your face.


6. Tulsi seeds are traditionally known to be cooling. Add them to your drink, even to the tender coconut water, with a dash of mint.

7. Eight 8-ounce glasses of plain, filtered water every day help maintain critical moisture balance of the body and skin, and assist in detoxification

8. Giving an oil massage to the scalp during summer is a very good tip to follow to dump the dirt and dust out of the scalp.

9. Form a paste of turmeric powder and lime and apply it to get it of suntans.

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By Staff Writer

Editorial Team of LaughaLaughi

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