It’s certainly nippy in the air and the mood is far from being somber; can’t blame the party revelers and the millennials going crazy about their plans to chill out- literally some of them i tell you. With that being said, as a student of cosmetology, i cannot help but notice some of us not paying attention to the body we are born with- this winter and whilst the holiday mood is on- ignoring our hair, skin and overall beauty isn’t advisable.

Hear it from the experts

DIY or use a professionals help

Grandma’s secrets of face packs and hair care masks, makeup tips and more always comes in handy. However, much more than that, a little dolling up and suiting up for the mood of the season is a must. Hence, i took the liberty to speak with a few experts in the business of beauty; experts that have the best real-time knowledge on how to prep up our skin and hair for the nippy nights and days ahead. I bring to you, makeup, hair care and skin hacks and tips to use- believe me when i say, you wouldn’t want to look for other concepts when you use these. Read on (boys and girls)!

For your skin

Too many pegs down and you know what happens- a hangover that you hate. But wait, did you know that even while the nippy days are on, our skin (irrespective of the skin type) can be victim to dehydration.

“Skin needs to be cared for while the seasons change, especially during the winter months when it turns dry and flaky. I would advise staying hydrated at all times, cleansing your skin and toning it too- moisturize it well and then apply your makeup. As far as possible, avoid products that are sulphate based, get a facial that lifts and rejuvenate the skin once in a month at least and never use harsh chemical based products on yoru skin; face and body alike” Madhusmita Agarwal, Skin Faculty (division) at Christine Valmy International Academy of Beauty, Kolkata

Hairy scary stories no more

Wash your hair well, condition and use the right shampoos to keep the hair color intact and the bounce too, is what I learnt as hair care for the winter months to do. Apart from that, hear is what my mentor in hair care has to say “Everyone wants to look chic and haute, and hair plays an important role in the presentation; from cuts to colors, styles galore, you as a man or a woman should stand out with a style that makes heads turn. Party times calls for a lot of fun, so judge the occasion you have been called too and wear your hair accordingly. Embellished tiffany buns are cute to wear for formal occasions-

For fun with friends to the pubs and maybe at home parties, you can try messy topknots and chignons, no heat curls and cascading inward waves.

Colour wise, i would like to see girls coming out of their shells and experimenting with shades of deep wines, berries, blondes, and burgundies that suit the Indian skin a lot- try color styles such as the exotic balayage-

Ombre touches

Gorgeous highlights

A woman is a confident human when she doesn’t have to take permission to beautify herself, is what i feel. “ Sreya Das, Hair Faculty, Christine Valmy International Academy of Beauty, Kolkata

Makeup wise

You don’t have to put tons and cakes of foundation to look pretty, because you are born pretty. With that being said, Makeup Expert Mandiira Majumdar, Christine Valmy International Academy of Beauty, Kolkata opines using shades of foundation closest to the skin tone. Focusing on shades for the eyelids that compliment the haute ensemble you wear, and not just because a celeb wore the same. Makeup is a reflection of your soul, be it vibrant, matte or sombre, it needs to befit your personality.

To be a little more playful and when attending a fantasy bash this holiday season, Preeta Lahiri, Makeup Expert, Christine Valmy International Academy of Beautysays- I want to see the PYTs (pretty young things) across Kolkata playful and chirpy, and with a lot of zing with their makeup concepts. It’s the holiday season, and for parties, decking up with a touch of the holiday theme is a must

You’ve been given the dough on the best of makeup, skin and hair tips; what’s your excuse now not to deck up the best this fabulous time of the year? Need more help? Drop down at Christine Valmy International Academy of Beauty, Kolkata for your dolling up needs or ping the experts for advise! Have a fabulous New Year and don’t forget to stay chic!

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