Music- A Therapy

In our every kind of mood there is always something that can touch it, heal it- it is music. In every aspect of life we all look a zone to have comfort, to console ourselves and most of the time we ends up listening to something we were expecting  to be  happened. Music has been used as a therapeutic tool for centuries and has been shown to affect many areas of the brain, including the regions concerned in emotion, cognition, consciousness, and movement.

The intrusion methods engaged in music therapy can be generally divided into active and receptive techniques. When a person is making music, whether by singing, playing musical instruments, or composing music, that person is using active techniques. Receptive techniques, on the other hand, engage listening to and responding to music that could be through dance or by analyzing the lyrics. Active and receptive techniques are often combined during treatment, and both are used as preparatory points for the discussion of thoughts, values, and goals.

Have you ever walked down the street, whining a song in your head, and noticed that you’re walking to the beat? That’s called entrainment. Our mind systems naturally entrain, or become a counterpart, to a rhythmic beat. Every time your breathing quickens, your heart-rate increases as well, or you feel a shudder down your spine, that’s your body responding physiologically to music. Qualified music therapists can use this to help arouse a person in a coma or use music to successfully help someone relax. Have you ever listened to a piece of music and smiled? Or felt sad? Whether from the music itself, or from our associations with the music, music taps into our emotional systems. Many people use this in a “therapeutic” way, listening to definite music that makes them feel a certain way. The ability for music to easily way in our emotions is very beneficial for music therapists.

Many studies have proved that the beneficial effects of music therapy in patients with psychological disorders. In scientific text, we have found empirically attached the emotional responses when people listen to music. It has been established that patients with mental disorders perceive the articulateness of the music the same way than without mental illness. The results support that the music is a good therapeutic modality for individuals with mental illness

Experts states that music therapists will be in demand in future. “Currently, there are only a handful of established music therapists in the country, but corporations, schools, higher education institutes and hospitals are realizing the importance of therapists, and I am sure you will see many more professionals very soon,” says Chandok. Since there are no specialized posts for music therapists either in hospitals or other places, most of them currently work as consultants. “We simply do not have qualified hands but every hospital will soon have a music therapist on its pay rolls or a consultant,” says Mythily.

So if music is one of your love and if you want it to be the passport to an exciting career, just play on.

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