10 Ways to Hint to Your Crush You Like Him

1. When sending a text, message or DM to your crush, make sure you ask them a question at the end. This will ensure that the conversation flows as you will have a constant back and forth. It will show that you are curious and want to know more about him and he will feel more confident asking you questions back.

2. Play games with him. Video games, board games, or computer games. It may not be something that you’re usually into but showing interest in his games will win you points. Playing the same games as him will allow you to keep in touch through gaming. Since most guys will ignore girls when they’re gaming, if you’re playing with them, they can’t really avoid you. Who knows, you might even grow to like it.


3. Constantly smile at him and laugh when he’s trying to be funny. It will make him feel better and he will see it as you trying to boost his confidence. He will appreciate that you laugh at his lame jokes and like you better for it.


4. Regardless of who is around, find a way to be near him so you can casually graze against him. Somehow always end up sitting beside him or standing beside him.

5. Fix his collar or hoodie strings or remove a stray hair that’s just sitting on his shoulder. Just find a way to touch him, even in the slightest way.

6. When he’s talking to you, look into his eyes. Practice smiling in the mirror so you don’t end up having crazy eyes. Look at him with love and endearment. Hang onto every word he says.

7. Dress to impress ladies. Wear something that makes you confident. Wear something you feel good in. Wear something that will make him go “wow, you look great”. Putting effort into your wardrobe shows that you care about how you look and lets him know you care what he thinks too.

8. Always find a way to see him. Even if it’s only for an hour or two. Ask to study or eat together. Think of stuff you think he’d enjoy and then invite him to do it. Find a common interest that both of you can do together.

9. Make fun of his weird quirks. Tell him the way he eats his sushi is weird. Tell him he laughs weird but in a cute way. Always find a way to make him question why you’re friends. Poke fun but don’t overdo it. Guys can be sensitive too. Make sure you find the balance by boosting his confidence every once in a while. Take his side every now and then.

10. Try to meet his friends and make them your friends. When your crush sees that his friends like you, he might start to like you more as well. Work your way into his friend circle. Even if your crush is oblivious, his friends are bound to pick up on your crush on him. Maybe one of them will tell him you like him and this will save you the trouble of giving him all of these hints.


Image Source: Google Images

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