Don’t we just admire the lovely locks and super flawless skin on some women and men and wish we had them too? This is a wish so familiar that we hope to have it manifested now. However, in this day and age with the pollution, dirt and grime attacking our hair, is it possible? What about the build-up on our hair through chemicals in hair products? There is one answer to solve it all- APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. A cup of warm water into which a cap of ACV when mixed forms the perfect deep conditioner and emulsifier our hair needs. Use this mix thrice a week and massage deep into the hair, touching the scalp too. Wash off with cold water thereafter and turban knot the hair for five minutes. Pat dry and touch the softness of your hair!




Methi seeds for dandruff

If you suffer from dirty scalp issues and dandruff, you could be victim to hair loss in no time. What you need to do is to use a cup of methi seeds soaked in warm water overnight as a cure. This is what most grandmothers swore by and acts as a perfect antidote to hair issues too. apply the water two hours before on the hair and the scalp, before you head into the shower. Massage the head and the hair with this water and wait. Wash it off under cold water thereafter and pat dry. Do this everyday until you achieve the desired results.



Do away with the build up

Build-up in hair often happens when the remnants from styling products, shampoos and conditioners do not leave even when the scalp is thoroughly washed. What do you do then? Rush to the parlor and pay a bomb for hair and scalp cleansing services? NAH! Here’s what I did when I found my hair rubbished with the build up- I used a bowl of baking soda, mixed with water to form a paste. I applied the paste to my hair and left it for ten minutes; gently massaging the scalp now and then. I then took a cap of apple cider vinegar and mixed it with cold water (a glass of it) and then gently washed the paste off my hair. The last rinse I gave was with rosewater and normal water. And then I allowed a pat dry to the hair as usual. I don’t have build up to worry about anymore.




Restoring skin elasticity

It is not only due to ageing, but because of the harmful UV rays of the sun and the free radicals that make the skin loose and drabby. Instead of spending a bomb at the parlors for treatments, why don’t you look at your kitchen for an answer. Our grandmothers didn’t have the famous beauty brands back then, and yet way into their prime age they had lovely firm skin. I shall look at the juice of aloe vera for an answer- helps firm up the skin, reduces puffy bags under the eyes and cleanses the pores too. Rub your face with the juice of aloe vera when it is cold and leave the potion on your skin overnight. When you wake up the next morning- wipe your face with mint water. That’s it!



Restore the pH level balance of your skin

Overtime the pH level balance of our skin takes a beating, and thanks to the many cosmetic products we use, the pH levels run amok. If left unchecked, you could be left with flaky dry skin, skin very sensitive and also with skin that doesn’t want to feel good when touched or felt. For this I shall recommend checking with a doctor first, and if it is a minor issue, you could go ahead and make a pack of oatmeal and honey face masks. A cup of oatmeal with a tablespoon of honey forms a gooey paste, which should be applied on the face and left for ten minutes- thrice a week. Oatmeal helps bind the collagen and the elastin on the skin, while honey hydrates and cleanses the pores.



If you need anymore help, do write in!


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By Staff Writer

Editorial Team of LaughaLaughi

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