The highly awaited trailer of grand Puja release, “Dawshom Awbotaar”, produced by Jio Studios and SVF Entertainment, was exclusively revealed, igniting a wave of excitement and eager anticipation. This occasion coincided with the celebration of Director Srijit Mukherji’s birthday marking the beginning of an evening filled with glamour and enthusiasm.
The trailer dropped today at 11am, promising to sweep audiences into a captivating journey steeped in nostalgia and emotion, reminiscent of the classics of Srijit Mukherji’s films- Baishe Srabon and Vinci Da.
“Dawshom Awbotaar” stands as more than just another cinematic offering; it heralds the advent of Bengali cinema’s inaugural double prequel, intricately weaving the narratives of “Baishe Srabon” and “Vinci Da”. Followers of the iconic super cops, Probir Roy Chowdhury and Poddar can rejoice, for they are poised to make a triumphant return this Pujo season, ensuring a rollercoaster ride of suspense, drama, and action.