• I will begin asking you on how are you doing?


Novoneel – I’m doing great overall.


  • When was the moment when you realised, writing is something you love?


Novoneel – I’m more in love with the act of thinking. But to constantly thinking, one has to express few things out of the system. Writing being a medium to do that. I realized this during my college years.


  • How your love towards writing turned into your profession?


Novoneel – When I decided to become a writer at the age of 20, I guess it was thn I knew I wanted to nothing except for telling stories. One thing led to the other and before I knew I was a professional writer.


  • Can you describe how you felt when The Forever series found its place in Times of India’s Most Stunning Books of 2017?


Novoneel – It’s always a moment of happiness when one of your works is showered with accolades be it an award, a distinguished label or simple the readers’ acceptance. I was happy to know that The Forever Series featured in TOI’s list of most stunning books. On a personal level, I have seen enough of failure and success to take neither that seriously.

  • You have given so many hits, May I know which one is your personal favourite as a reader?


Novoneel – My personal favourites will always be HOW ABOUT A SIN TONIGHT? and HALF TORN HEARTS. They have my personal injuries embedded within them.


  • We know, you are a scriptwriter for many television shows, what is the major difference between writing a book and writing for television series?


Novoneel – Writing a book is a lone battle while writing a tv show/web series is more of a team game. Also, storytelling via a book is a far more purer and hence more free form of storytelling compared to the rest.


  • You are currently based in Mumbai, do you miss Silchar?


Novoneel – Though Silchar is my birth place but unfortunately I haven’t lived there much. As a person I don’t miss places much as much I miss the people I lived along side in a particular place.


  • If not a writer,what would have been your alternative career option?


Novoneel – I have no idea. I think I would have decayed from within if I was anything except a storyteller.


  • The stranger trilogy is soon to be adapted as web series, how much excited are you on the same?


Novoneel- Excited to the hilt. Really eager to know how people react to their much loved characters of Rivanah and the stranger.


  • What’s your go to mantra for a positive life?


Novoneel- Always float, never swim.


  • Which bengali food you like the most?


Novoneel- Aloo Posto anytime, anywhere.

  • What are your upcoming works? Can you please tell something about it?


Novoneel- As of now, working on couple of thriller novels and a web series which should come out real soon. Fingers crossed.


  • Lastly, I would conclude this session by asking you to give a message for LaughaLaughi and for all your fan readers.


Novoneel- One of the most wholesome portals I have seen. I’m sure the LaughaLaughi keeps people informed about so many things like no other. Way to go!


-Atrisa Dutta.

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