The interactive Social Media platform is a new ‘in-thing’ among the students not only of Kolkata but also many other colleges of Bengal. At a time when students are missing their second home – university or college campus, four students of Jadavpur University and two from IEM have launched a Virtual Campus, in the form of an App named Campus 24. The simple data supports the fact that only in last two weeks almost 3000+ students from various District Colleges downloaded the app from Google Play store.
Who have introduced Virtual Campus App?
Sagnik, Diganto, Sayantan and Vishnu of JU Production Engineering laid the foundations for the app. Later Sourajit and Ankita of Electronics Engineering IEM joined them to complete their team.The six of them spend close to 1000+hours in virtual meetings, without even having met a single time physically in the last thee months. They finally made it possible despite the lock down scenario ad quickly gained traction among college students.”we believe the App is going to be the next revolutionary virtual solution to simplify our college life”, said one of the six students
What students can do there?
Students can chat on various topics, share notes, get info about exam schedules, placements details etc. on Campus24, an all in one platform for all the needs of a student” they added.We have started various creative challenges to help the students keep their mind fresh. All the students Clubs of the campus- art, music, fashion, literature, sports have teamed up with us. We are getting overwhelming support from all square. While the campus recruitment scenario this year remains doubtful, these students are working in getting their unique Start up funded and are talking to potential investors too!
What is the purpose of this app?
We believe with the changing lifestyle in the post Covid scenario. Its a dedicated virtual platform for college students to chat among friends, share necessary virtual platforms for college students to chat among friends, share necessary information, increase collaborate with other colleges, debate over topics etc. is going to be the New Normal. Everything is going digital, so why should our college-life miss out.That is why the Campus24 App is already a hit !”
What is the expansion plan?
We take students from various college in our team, thus helping them out to find meaningful work in this crisis as well. The we partner up with College clubs and then try to reach all the students through them. Currently we are fully focused on expanding into all colleges of Bengal first. Then, we will start expanding nationwide.Yes, we truly want to show everyone that age is not a barrier to great work! Within a month 100+ students from colleges all over India like the IITs, NITs, IIMs are interning in in the startup. They are our real strength.
The six students have shown that whether its a lock down or not, nobody can stop young and vibrant students to think and render something new. The initiative has indeed brought many students of different campuses together. It is an escape from everyday monotony. It is becoming a virtual platform for students to express thoughts, talents and meet and interact with fellow students from nearby colleges. Within a few days of launching, the Campus 24 became the 9th most trending social app all over the India and is all set to bring a revolution to the college life experience!
Read this also : BIT Mesra, Bitotsav 2020 experience
Summarized Facts
- total college students of Bengal using the app – 3000+
- Total time students spent in the app – 1500+
- Total interaction among students – 1 crore+
(in 2 weeks since launch)