Hello everyone, how are you today? I am back as the rain lashes the city, to bring to you news and views from the world of glamour, trends, fashion, style and of course, plenty of tete-a-tete with the upcoming stars. In my past posts, I have introduced to the world the winners of the Mr and Miss Kolkata, 2016. And I through my posts would want to strive to discover and bring to the eyes, many new talented individuals that are working hard to make it big. I do this, because as a fashion blogger and with a nose for real talent, I know what it means to have a little more than the usual seconds of fame. I aim to bring to everyone the right exposure, and the right way to get noticed. And today, I would want to introduce to you, Mr. Imran Alam, – Age 25, a Public Relation Manager and a Freelance Model, Catalogue Event Model & Magazine Modeler born and bought up in city of joy Kolkata.


I met him at Hotel Dee Empressa, Kolkata

While I was waiting to have a deal signed at the hotel, I happened to chance upon Imran and the rest is history. Today when I ask him about his passion and career, with regard to modeling of course, this is what he says “With regard to Modeling, I speak loud. I must emphasize the fact that modeling is an amazing way to develop one’s own personality and character, however, education is a must as well. It was a risky step for me to shuttle between my corporate life and with that of modeling, because the former was a sure shot way to pay my bills whilst the latter gave me the fame and exposure, but no guarantee of a paycheck each month. Deep within I knew I was meant to be a model, and being from a muslim family and the youngest that too, I didn’t want my folks back home to be taunted for my choices in life.


Me: So education is what you stress upon, even if one chooses modeling?

Him: Oh yes, I was a topper in school and second topper in college. Modeling was a secret passion I nurtured within me, and not a soul knew about the same until I came out one day and exclaimed to the world that I wanted to be on the ramps, on the print magazines and on covers, as a model.


Me: What was the reaction?

Him: People around me were stunned. Some were supportive, some weren’t. I was met with remarks quite negative in the beginning, and people told my parents “Oh your son is modeling,’ so at least my parents could say, ‘Yeah but he also came first in class. But still there is a gossip behind my back regarding my modeling assignments. But my parents are key players in making my life better. Right from the early stages and up until now, they have stood by me.


Me: The struggle wasn’t easy, it seems?

Him: To say so would be an understatement for a boy like me. I was someone who came from the lowest rungs and made it to where I am today, thanks to my parents and my self-belief. My father passed away when I was in standard 10, and losing him so early in my life put more responsibilities on my shoulder. However, my mother, a strong willed lady, wrote my career for me. She is the angel every son needs, and every difficult step in my life (modeling and otherwise) was made easy through her blessings. Right from studying at “Mohmmadia Primary School”  to “ The Presidency High School “ and then at “CMO Higher Secondary School”, my parents gave me the best they could and I am grateful. To be honest, my parents had no money to help me with luxuries, but they sacrificed everything they have had to give me proper education. The rest is history, I would someday tell the world all of that maybe in an autobiography!


Me: What is your perspective of the modeling world these days, and what inspires you the most?

Him: I have a photogenic face, and the fact that I derive pleasure from the simplest things in life, says it all, on my face. When I am infront of the camera, I am making love to it, and I forget the world. Modeling for me is not a profession, its my hobby and my dream. And when you make your hobby and dream your best friend, the camera falls in love with you. My emotions in every frame comes from the deep calling of the soul, and this is how I express and emote infront of the camera. The world of modeling has its own share of ups and downs, with con artists galore promising you the sun and the moon, and then there are truly genuine ones that work with you and hard for you- YOU HAVE TO BE VERY CAREFUL AND SMART WHILST BEING IN THE WORLD OF MODELLING.


Recently I had a photo shoot for a magazine of Dee Empresa Hotel and Festive T-shirt launched brand name Being Bong apart from that I had worked for some local designer of garments.

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Presently doing a fashion show, which is a charity pageant (Learning is Key to Success NGO) – Being Me 2016 “ Dream Guy of Bengal and I am a semi finalist. By allowing myself to be happy, I inspire others to be happy as well.

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Words of wisdom for the upcoming models in the city

  1. Be honest with yourself
  2. Know the right from the wrong
  3. Be in love with yourself
  4. Let go of ego
  5. Learn to trust your instincts
  6. Don’t give up on your studies and education
  7. Never ever pay for modeling assignments
  8. Don’t believe everything your fashion gurus say, use your judgment
  9. Do your homework before you sign deals
  10. Respect your parents always

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People I acknowledge deeply

  1. Mr Navkaran Singh Bagga, my immediate boss and mentor who trusts my ability and effort towards my work profile and as a person.
  2. Mr Biswajit Das, Mr Arpan Kar , Mr V Rao and Mrs Manjula Das at Hotel Dee Empressa, Kolkata.
  3. My friends Sarfraz Aatif, Raj , Czaan, Aamir, Zeshan and Danish and Firdous Afrin.
  4. My photographer Shibhasish Ghosh , Arindam Ray , Sheezan Rashid and Anirban Goswami who all had shown tremendous effort to make me incredible over the camera spot light.
  5. My fashion stylist and friend, Rohan AH Noronha, city fashion blogger and esteemed makeover artist, Kolkata.

Most of all, each of you reading this. I may not know you personally, but I will in future meet you somewhere sometime for sure, because the world is small and we all are connected. Stay in touch!


Thank You Mr. Imran Alam for this eyeopening interview, and may success be yours forever. All the best for Learning is Key to Success NGO) – Being Me 2016 “Dream Guy of Bengal”, may the title be yours soon!


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