Nowadays life has become too fast to think or to rest and we have so many dating apps around us, Tinder is just like one of them.

This app has a huge popularity not like the overwhelming or similar to Facebook, it is more like the “hush-hush” one. This is because possibly most of the Indians has already connected this app with “sex-chat” in their minds. The difference between Facebook and Tinder is nothing big to mention though it both works differently and thats it! Other than this there is no such big difference I noticed. And guys there is no “hush-hush” thing as well.

So one day I thought why not do something that none of my friends have done before. Like trying a new app. (Ya I have that courage bug under my skin to try things!). So few days back I opened my account in Tinder. It is nothing big deal just like every other social media apps. I took little bit of time to understand how it works. Like left swipe and right swipe option, ya It was good. 

Now come to the review part. Tinder in India is highly overrated. Like everyone (girls)  thinks all the super duper handsome or cutest cute boys will be here- trust me girls thats just a wrong notion. Just like Facebook many boys are there who are not so “super duper” one. It has also handsome boys as well. The problem here is, Tinder has been advertised like hell that all the hot boys are here but thats just not the case. So keep your notion outside before entering here.

Now come to the chatting part. You have to right swipe someone and then if he or she right swipes you, its done. Then you can go for chatting. Mostly boys I had chatted with is either too rude or too sweet, neither went well with me.

God, the boys were not impressive to talk to. They all have two things common in them, mostly. First they will ask whether you have boyfriend or not and secondly your whats app number. Like really boys? Do you think you can ever impress a girl by asking such questions?

Also there was one guy who was so confident on his ability to impress me that he challenged me. Later I just stopped talking to him because he asked for my number. Also there was another guy who went “gaga” over my intelligence and wanted me as his best friend. He was like ” I don’t wanna loose you” because I had told him that I would soon delete my account. Just talking for thirty minutes, some smart intellectual replies ( mostly about the general philosophy of life) never make someone so “gaga” over me. It was so fake.

The world I guess is full of fakeness. If you can find your own real space just grab it and never loose it no matter what happens. My motive behind “Tinder-ing” was to try this app and observe this app critically. So that I can review it. You can use this app just for time pass never expect serious things. You will laugh to see the stupidity of boys.

I don’t want meet any guy through social medias because everyone wears a mask there. I was curious about its function and not in meeting people.

I will soon delete the account because I like to find real people in my real world instead of this virtual social media.

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