Five years back…
On this day, I do not remember anything particularly significant. I must have gotten up,brushed my teeth and raced to the loo(when nature calls) after which I must have worn my usual school uniform. There was nothing extraordinary about this day. Everyday was just another day when I was ready to go to a place and be amongst people who,honestly speaking didn’t even bother if I ceased to exist. I was shabby and shy,topped over by the overwhelming lack of confidence in myself. It all feels so negative and funny now. I had my ‘me’ time though when I did what I wanted and no one was allowed. However, I had dreams, dreams that I saw with my eyes wide open and wished to fulfill some day. I was extraordinarily ordinary. But I guess it takes guts to be that as well, to go through the tiring bouts of bullying, to have a skin coated so thick that you do not realize even when you are being complimented. Yes, it takes guts to be what you are! To do what you do! Present day…
Wake myself up, walk around the house cluelessly , open the laptop to check emails while having the morning coffee. Is there anything particularly significant,as I might say? No, there isn’t. However, the one thing that is noteworthy is the fact that being ‘ordinary’ has somehow become my unique selling point. It is just that people today are so busy ‘trying’ to be extraordinary that they forget what it’s like to be normal,simple. There is nothing wrong in asking for a little extra sugar for your coffee in Coffee House or preferring the roadside stall over restaurants when you are hungry or when your wallet gives way. Therefore, here I am, writing ordinary things,trying to let people stop and think for a while about the things they are missing out on. I write what I live, there is no in between. It is personal and intimate and so is everything that concerns me. My life is an intense one with all the emotions and feelings jumbled up and that gives me the content I seek. I might sound pretty messed up and almost always end up being in a soup, but I like it this way!
So, this is me signing off and this,right here is my story,in the making.
A Story in the making

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