Ballad from Tibet is a Chinese movie of 2017 and directed by Zhang Wei. This movie owns a lot of critical appreciations from all over the world. The movie centrals around a bunch of kids and their long struggle to achieve their dreams.


The story begins with four kids mainly and their struggle to cope themselves up in the society with true honour . Their journey starts from a different level as they are differently abled students. The story at the beginning is really startling as it depicts how much struggle they go through. Director Zhang Wei definitely shows some good skills to depict the passion as well as continuous struggle of them.

In our society where differently abled children are being treated as some burden this movie just blows off that concept. They too are human with all human emotions and they too also have some artistic potential that the world must know. In India definitely begging is the most wanted occupation for a different abled person sometimes it is because for the society on other it is because of the individuals mindset. But definitely the potential lies within them is something which the world must see. This theme is so vivid in this movie.

The leads have done a fantastic job. This story however has beem inspired from real life characters. The middle part when they finally close to their aim, the bounce of the story somehow become little loose otherwise at the climax scene where they overcome their inner fight and bright up like a star, is so beautifully portrayed by the director.

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