• Before becoming a global web fascination for using your mouth and nose, Gennady Tkachenko-Papizh was a show-business chameleon. So, how did you come to this point? Your journey in brief?
~ A very unusual definition, a show-business chameleon! Although in some ways it is true. Once I was called the most versatile artist by some magazine. In early childhood, my aptitudes emerged in various fields of art. My first sounds, imitations of musical instruments, imitation of the sounds of nature, also appeared in my childhood. And of course, I did not realize then that this would become my destiny. I wasted my time enhancing my skills in different genres. I have participated in various international projects, festivals and competitions. My creative life was diverse, compelling and somewhat chaotic. That was until I found myself at an esoteric festival by the Ladoga Lake, a paradise of a place. There, far from the hustle and bustle of the cities in seclusion, I was able to find harmony with myself and hear voices that were bursting outward. I sat by the fire, with my eyes closed, I allowed myself to manifest that stream of sounds and voices that bursted from within, as if they wanted to tell me about something important. Then I experienced an indescribable ecstasy that I cannot convey in words. When I opened my eyes, about fifty people were sitting beside me, looking at me in amazement, asking about what had happened. Since that time, I began to listen closely to them, to hear what else those voices and sounds want to tell me.

• You are a real multi-talented person who did singing, comedy etc.. In which sphere you want to shine the most?
~ Everyone is talented in their own way. When inspiration pays you a visit, it’s hard to resist the desire to sing, dance, or act. I will not give up an interesting role, or an exciting project. This is understandable, since I am primarily an actor. The stage magnetizes me and there is no way back. And what I like most of all, are of course, these sounds and improvisations that break out from within and at the right time and in the right place find their audience.
• You are a very humble person who attend meetings even on a bicycle. Do you think that it’s really necessary to lead a very sophisticated & hi-fi lifestyle after being so famous in the industry?
~ It has nothing to do with modesty. Everything is very simple, for my minivan you will rarely find a parking space in the center of the city. I prefer to come to a meeting on a bicycle. In addition, I am of the opinion that you only need to get in a car in rare cases, only for long distances. The air will be cleaner. And certainly, for the sake of demonstrating one’s well-being, it’s not necessary to come to a meeting by car.
• How do you prefer spending your leisure time?
~ I spend all my free time with my family. Mainly at our weekend cottage, where there is a forest near by with plenty of mushrooms. I often play table tennis with my son and friends, but most of all I’m fond of playing badminton. I also like traveling with a camera and capturing beautiful and bizarre footage seen in nature.
• You can make sounds of nature sound so real. So, do you travel a lot to increase the equation that you share with the nature so that you can perform better & in a new way?
~ Being in the mountains or so-called places of power, I cannot restrain myself from the excess of feelings from such beauty and begin to sound in unison with nature.And there are such inspirations and voices that cannot be repeated in the usual state no matter how much I try. It was almost never possible to repeat the most interesting and unusual sounds that flowed when I stood on a cliff or was sitting by the ocean. It is different each time, depending on the atmosphere in the audience and my inner mood at that moment. But never like in nature where my witnesses are only birds, ants, trees, stones, and, water.
• You have this amazingly unique talent. People are eager to know how do you do it.
~ Believe me, I am curious myself to find out how and where these sounds come from. Many people ask me to open a school, and to teach this peculiar sound extraction. Perhaps, I will master this technology one day. It’s not just the position of the tongue in relation to the palate, or how to narrow the lips into a tube, and so on, this knowledge lies on a deeper level, I need to build on my own nature and abilities and listen to what I hear around and the main thing is what I hear inside myself. And then try to convey it in my own way. For everyone who is interested I can refer the well-known Bel Canto School, where the foundation of everything is right breathing. I have had only few lessons, but very good teachers. This knowledge helped me to be much more fluent in own voice.
• You have won millions of hearts. Anything you want to say to them?
~ People!!! We should finally understand, that the Earth is one for all of us! And we’re all brothers and sisters. We have to take care of our planet. Because it’s our Home! We must understand that all cataclysms which are happening are just the signals and warnings for people. What more should happen for stopping strife and conflicts about national, religious and political differences? We have to unite urgently and find the right decision for saving our common home, which is called the EARTH.
• Few words for LaughaLaughi.
~ You and me are doing the same job, but in different fields. You are reaching your audience via mass media, I am doing it with the help of my voice and microphone. We’re communicating with people, trying to highlight those things that we really care about. We are hoping to make the world a better place, to make it cleaner, both physically and spiritually. We started out merely entertaining the audience, but we all mature and evolve over the years. We broaden our horizons, develop our professional skills, and push the boundaries. I wish you to keep up the impetus, move forward with new amazing ideas, and conquer the hearts of more and more people with your passion and inspiration! I wish your brilliant team and all of the people in your amazing country love, peace, and prosperity! I hope my dream will come true, and I will get a chance to perform in your wonderful country.