Categories: Interviews

Interview Session with Mirakkelian Partha

We had lately got  the chance to visit and interview one of the known faces, Partha, from Mirakkel, a popular reality ‘Standup comedy’ show of Zee Bangla. He was also the joint winner with his partner Vicky in Mirakkel’s season-6. A hilarious afternoon with lots of unheard stories was what the LaughaLaughi team was gifted with.

  • Sir, you are involved in both theater and Mirakkel. Which one is more close to you?
    Acting is something I love, I feel passionate about. I have worked with television, cinema. I have received an offer for performing with a rural ‘Jatra’ team, I love to take an active part in that. So, nothing else matters, what matters is that feeling of being an Actor. The ground can be any.
  • Is it an excitement that keep triggering you every time?
    A child experiences enormous joy while playing. I feel the same when I act. Acting has never troubled me. It has always given me pleasure.
  • How does it feel to be on the set of Mirakkel, in front of the judges’ panel after working the entire night?
    That hasn’t been a problem ever. Actually it’s not only about Mirakkel, Acting itself occupies a very sensitive and adorable place in my life. I haven’t married yet. So acting, in my prioritization, holds the very place my girlfriend or wife would have held. So the very thought of acting keeps me happy and energized.
  • Why did you choose acting as your profession? Do you have any other unfulfilled dream which you want to live?
    Actually there’s nothing else which I can do but acting. Among the other works that prevail round the globe, I would be marked a zero out of hundred. Whereas, in acting, perhaps I would manage to score a two or a three.
  • To reach the odds, one needs a source of inspiration. From where do you get your inspiration?
    Theater is something I have been doing since my childhood. I started performing on stage from the age of three and half years. I used to live at Sodhpur and read in an English medium school in my nursery days. Every year, there was an annual theater show being held at my school. While the people were rehearsing, I was amazed and thought of joining them. My mother made me understand that the theater was for grown-ups. I kept crying till the time the school authorities were compelled to take me in the show. The role was pretty minor. But since then, I started feeling that perhaps there’s nothing else I can do. I guess, profession is a different talk altogether, but it was the love and passion that I had for acting which showed me the path towards success.
  • Sir how does it feel to be a Mirakkelian?
    Oh it feels great when people recognize me on roads, in buses, trams. The first breakthrough to the media and one of the biggest achievements in my life is Mirakkel. To be more precise, Mirakkel is the most talked platform for comedy in Bengal. Perhaps you would definitely know, before the sixth season, Mirakkel did not put much of a stress on duet performances. I belong from theater. So initially, the feeling was kind of weird and daring at the same time to perform in a stand-up comedy show.
  • How do you want to get yourself recognized? Partha as an actor or Partha as a comedian?
    Obviously actor. Comedy is a separate ground. Since theater was my inception to acting, so acting is something I would love to do henceforth. I accept the fact that an actor must always be versatile. The last film I worked in provided me with a small comedy role. Discussions are going on for a new film where my role is negative.

    Partha with his fellow Mirakkelian Mates

  • Can you get to the local market now on Sundays as you used to before?
    (laughs) Yes surely. There is a local market nearby and I am still a regular customer there. There isn’t much of a difference I have with my friends because they never cared about my success, and now too they don’t (laughs). I avail public transport and it hasn’t been a problem. The only change is that, now almost out of compulsion I have to carry myself in the crowd. But I am the same man I was and I can assure you that proudly.
  • Any message for upcoming comedians?
    Comedy is a difficult subject because it is very subtle. The major determinants of comedy are timing andpause. I haven’t seen much of the people who aspired to grow a comedian. I would personally suggest, it’s more important to grow an actor. For the ones who are aspiring to be a Mirakkelian, I would suggest one needs to have the talent in penning down jokes and needs to practice hard for making his performance the best out of the lot. People have often asked me for suggesting tips before the auditions, but it cannot be made up in few days. One needs to practice hard for months. And collecting jokes from Internet cannot be much of a help. One needs to compose his jokes himself.
  • Any message for your fan?
    I don’t have any as such. I don’t desire to have fans. Now I have fans, but what if my performance starts to deteriorate? I won’t be having any fan then. So, it is better to have friends than having fans. Because I’ll have a friend by my side during the hard times. Not a fan.
  • Any message for the viewers?
    Laughalaughi team is going great. A very promising Web magazine. You must surely go through the site. Moreover, you all would get to know about the famous personalities and accordingly would be able to match a wavelength with them. All my best wishes.
Content Writing : Manjima Sarkar 
Original Copyright © 2014-2015
Picture Courtesy : Facebook
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